220 research outputs found

    Acercando la Cultura de la Mediación a Personas Mayores en Servicios Residenciales

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    Màster en Mediació de conflictes, Facultat de Psicologia. Curs: 2015-2016, Tutor: Immaculada Armadans TremolosaOrganismos internacionales como la OMS o la UE fomentan el desarrollo de políticas de promoción del Envejecimiento Activo y de la Mediación. En España, las personas mayores son un sector de la población con cada vez más peso demográfico y con más recursos especializados. Diferentes investigaciones han analizado qué tipologías de conflictos se producen habitualmente en servicios dirigidos a personas mayores, y han propuesto el uso de programas de mediación para gestionarlos y mejorar así la convivencia. Con el objetivo de acercar la cultura de la mediación a residentes, familiares y trabajadores que interactúan en centros residenciales de la provincia de Barcelona, se ha diseñado un proyecto de intervención, y se ha implementado durante 3 meses, con la participación de 20 personas. Los resultados muestran su interés por dicha cultura, así como la necesidad de seguir construyendo espacios de diálogo, reflexión y conocimiento mutuo en el propio recurso. Se abre la posibilidad aplicar nuevos proyectos en otros servicios dirigidos a este sector de la población, potenciando así una especialidad profesional ya existente en otros países.International organizations such as WHO or EU encourage the development of policies for Active Aging and for Mediation. In Spain, there has been a demographic increase of elder population and so specialized resources for them. A variety of research studies have analysed and evaluated the type of challenges and conflicts usually occur at the services provided for older people. They have proposed the use of mediation programs to manage and assist reconciliation on those matters and improve coexistence. In order to bring the culture of mediation to elderly residents, their relatives, and workers involved in nursing homes at the province of Barcelona, it has been designed an intervention project, and it has been implemented for 3 months, with the participation of 20 people. The results demonstrate their interest in mediation and the necessity to continue building spaces for dialogue, reflection and mutual understanding at the service. These positive results provide the opportunity to implement new projects in other similar services aimed for this sector of the population. By doing so it will encourage and promote this specialism as a professional career that does already exist in other pioneering countries


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    In this paper we provide a new approach to the Fundamental Theorem of As-set Pricing. The proofof this result is usually based on Projection (Separation) Theorems and is far more intuitive. Ourapproach follow the relation between the projection problem an equivalent least squares problem.More precisely, we will use and iterative procedure in order to obtain solutions of a bounded leastsquare problem. This solutions will give, under some conditions, either the state price vector orthe arbitrage opportunity of the problem under consideration.Asset Pricing; Arbitrage; Mathematical Finance

    On the Design of Ambient Intelligent Systems in the Context of Assistive Technologies

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    The design of Ambient Intelligent Systems (AISs) is discussed in the context of assistive technologies. The main issues include ubiquitous communications, context awareness, natural interactions and heterogeneity, which are analyzed using some examples. A layered architecture is proposed for heterogeneous sub-systems integration with three levels of interactions that may be used as a framework to design assistive AISs.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2001-1868-C0

    Parasitóides dos Açores : possível utilização no controlo da mosca da fruta Ceratitis capitata (W.).

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    I Congresso de Fruticultura e Viticultura, Angra de Heroísmo, 17 a 19 de Abril de 2008.Desde Setembro de 2005 tem vindo a ser efectuado o levantamento dos parasitóides de Ceratitis capitata com o objectivo da sua possível utilização no controlo da mosca da fruta nos Açores, evitando assim a introdução de espécies exóticas. Halticoptera patellana, Toxeumorpha nigricola e Spalangia endius foram recolhidas no campo parasilando pupas de C. capitata, enquanto Tachinaephagus zealandicus, Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae e Asobara rufescens parasitaram larvas ou pupas da mosca em condições laboratoriais. As duas primeiras espécies encontram-se as várias gerações, em cultura laboratorial tendo como hospedeiro C. capitata. Um novo registo de hospedeiro foi assinalado para H. patellana, T. nigricola, T. zealandicus, e A. rufescens, uma vez que nenhuma referência foi encontrada indicando C. capitata como hospedeiro destas espécies. Com este trabalho as espécies H. patellana, T. nigricola, T. zealandicus, S. endius, P. vindemmiae e A. rufescens são citadas pela primeira vez para os Açores, enquanto T. zealandicus, anteriormente referenciado para as ilhas do Pico e Terceira, foi observado pela primeira vez em São Miguel.ABSTRACT: Since September 2005 a survey for parasitoids of Ceratitis capitata was performed to evaluate their possible use in the Medfly control in Azores to avoid the introduction of exotic species. Halticoptera patellana, Toxeumorpha nigricola and Spalangia endius were collected in fruit crop parasitizing pupae of C. capitata. Field-collected Tachinaephagus zealandicus, Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae and Asobara rufescens parasitized larvae or pupae of the Medfly under laboratory conditions. The first two species were successfully reared for consecutive generations in laboratory using larvae of C. capitata as hosts. With this study a new record for host is given for H. patellana, T. nigricola, T. zealandicus and A. rufescens since no previous references indicate C. capitata as host. Also, the presence of H. patellana, T. nigricola, T. zealandicus, S. endius, P. vindemmiae and A. rufescens are first cited for Azores Islands, while T. zealandicus previously referred to the islands of Pico and Terceira, was first noticed in São Miguel

    Fenología de los bracónidos (hymenoptera, ichneumonoidea, braconidae) del pirineo andorrano

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    [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] fenología de la familia Braconidoe (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) ha sido estudiada mediante una trampa Malaise en Andorra durante el año 1993. Han sido colectados 1.892 bracónidos (excepto Aphidiinae), pertenecientes a 23 subfamilias y 79 géneros. El 93,7% de los bracónidos capturados representa la estrategia biológica koinobionte frente al 6,3% de idiobiontes. La correlación de las capturas de los bracónidos con las condiciones meteorológicas ha permitido caracterizar la fenología anual de éstos. La evolución anual de las poblaciones alcanza sus máximes en el período comprendido entrelos dos épocas de lluvias, pudiéndose señalar un único pico para la familia Braconidae, el cual transcurre desde mediados de mayo a finales de agosto, debido a las condiciones xerotérmicas de la localidad andorranaPhenology of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) at Andorra has been conducted/studied using a Malaise trap after a one-year cycle during 1993. A total of 1.892 specimens, representing 23 subfamilies and 79 genera were sampled. About 93.7% of the captures were koinobiont braconids, whereas 6.3% belonged to idiobiont braconids. The annual phenology has been characterized through the correlation between the evolution of the collected braconids and the weather (meteorological conditions). The maximum of the populations were registered between the two rain periods. In fact, the family Braconidae shows an abundance peak from middle of May to end of August, due to the xerothermic conditions of the andorran locality

    A separated representation involving multiple time scales within the Proper Generalized Decomposition framework

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    Solutions of partial differential equations can exhibit multiple time scales. Standard discretization techniques are constrained to capture the finest scale to accurately predict the response of the system. In this paper, we provide an alternative route to circumvent prohibitive meshes arising from the necessity of capturing fine-scale behaviors. The proposed methodology is based on a time-separated representation within the standard Proper Generalized Decomposition, where the time coordinate is transformed into a multi-dimensional time through new separated coordinates, each representing one scale, while continuity is ensured in the scale coupling. For instance, when considering two different time scales, the governing Partial Differential Equation is commuted into a nonlinear system that iterates between the so-called microtime and macrotime, so that the time coordinate can be viewed as a 2D time. The macroscale effects are taken into account by means of a finite element-based macro-discretization, whereas the microscale effects are handled with unidimensional parent spaces that are replicated throughout the time domain. The resulting separated representation allows us a very fine time discretization without impacting the computational efficiency. The proposed formulation is explored and numerically verified on thermal and elastodynamic problems. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Timing chirurgico nell’adenoma epatico sanguinante: case report

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    La diagnosi di adenoma epatico, la cui eziopatogenesi è spesso un rapporto con l’assunzione prolungata di estroprogestinici (il 90% degli adenomi si osserva in donne che hanno preso la ‘pillola’ per più di 5 anni), impone sempre una indicazione chirurgica resettiva. La ragione è data dalle caratteristiche peculiari della neoplasia, che sono la degenerazione maligna (4%) e l’elevato rischio di sanguinamento (30- 50%), intratumorale e/o intraaddominale, che aumenta in gravidanza e in puerperio. La regressione dopo sospensione della terapia ormonale, infatti, è poco frequente e non elimina il rischio di degenerazione e/o emorragia. La resezione epatica dovrebbe essere condotta in combinazione con appropriate procedure di embolizzazione endovascolare selettiva, considerato che la chirurgia in emergenza potrebbe imporre un sacrificio epatico maggiore, esponendo il paziente a morbilità e mortalità più elevate. I tempi di attesa dall’embolizzazione all’intervento elettivo non sono standardizzati e sono pertanto indicati dall’esperienza personale e soprattutto da un attento e seriato follow-up del paziente. Gli Autori riportano la propria esperienza nella strategia terapeutica e nel timing chirurgico di un caso di adenoma epatico sanguinante

    Multi-Hop Synchronization at the Application Layer of Wireless and Satellite Networks

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    Time synchronization is a key issue in wireless and satellite networks; time-stamping collected data, tasks scheduling or efficient communications are just some applications. From all the existing techniques to achieve synchronization, those that work at the MAC layer and can precisely timestamp sync messages are the most accurate. However, working with standard protocols, usually prevents the user from accessing lower layers and consequently reduces accuracy. Receiver—receiver schema improves time-stamping performance because it eliminates the biggest non-deterministic error at the sender side; the medium access time. Nevertheless, utilization of these methods in multihop networks usually requires an extra amount of traffic. In this paper we present a method which allows accurate synchronization of large multi-hop networks such as satellite networks working at the application layer while keeping the message exchange to the minimum. Through an exhaustive experimentation, we show the protocol’s performance and analyze the factors that influence synchronization accuracy the most.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2006-15617-C03-0

    Bloom’s taxonomy and the application of knowledge: problem-based learning in the subject ‘Zoology’ at the University of Valencia

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    De acuerdo con la taxonomía de Bloom, en el contexto de la enseñanza los procesos cognitivos se encuentran jerarquizados en seis niveles de complejidad creciente e inclusiva. Así, una materia puede perseguir que los studiantes (1) memoricen información, (2) la comprendan, (3) la apliquen para resolver problemas nuevos, (4) la analicen, (5) la evalúen o (6) incluso creen nuevo conocimiento a partir de ella. Tradicionalmente, en las universidades españolas la asignatura de Zoología ha promovido primordialmente la memorización y la comprensión. Sin embargo, parece hoy recomendable trabajar también procesos cognitivos superiores, haciendo hincapié en la aplicación del conocimiento zoológico. Esto proporciona herramientas a los estudiantes para abordar una gran variedad de preguntas, ayudando a forjar un estilo de pensamiento; permite adaptar los contenidos a una menor presencialidad, generando autonomía en la forma de trabajar, y desplaza el énfasis epistemológico desde una ciencia de sujetos hacia una ciencia de principios. En este trabajo presentamos un diseño realista de clases de problemas de zoología para grupos numerosos, tal y como se plantea en la Universidad de Valencia. El elemento clave de nuestra iniciativa es una selección muy cuidadosa de los problemas: no se trata de memorizar o comprender debates clásicos o recientes en zoología, ni de meros ejercicios de corroboración. Los problemas de aplicación que planteamos obligan al estudiante a buscar relaciones o consecuencias no inmediatas de los conocimientos que van adquiriendo sobre filogenia, diversidad, planes corporales, morfología funcional y estrategias vitales; intentamos además que incluyan filos que no se tratan en el temario. En este trabajo ilustramos diversos problemas tipo y describimos qué temporalización, carga docente y metodología pueden resultar más adecuadas dentro de un programa “clásico” de Zoología. El criterio fundamental de evaluación es que las respuestas sean plausibles, aunque no necesariamente correctas.According to Bloom’s taxonomy, the cognitive processes that are involved in any learning context can be organized into six inclusive levels of increasing complexity. The aim(s) of any academic subject can be (1) to memorize information, (2) to understand it, (3) to apply it to solve new problems, (4) to analyze it, (5) to evaluate it, and even (6) to create new knowledge based on it. Traditionally, in Spanish universities the subject ‘Zoology’ has primarily addressed memorization and understanding. However, it would seem advisable to also deal with upper cognitive processes, particularly the application of knowledge. This would allow students to tackle a great diversity of zoology questions, help creating a thinking style, and to reduce the number of lectures since students could deal with several contents by themselves. Also, the application of knowledge would shift emphasis from subjects (animals) to principles. In this presentation we describe a realistic design for problem-based lectures on zoology that are devised for large classes at the University of Valencia. The key element for a successful implementation is a careful selection of problems. Applying knowledge has nothing to do with memorizing / understanding classical or current zoological debates, or with making corroborative exercises. A genuine problem invites students to seek relationships and non-trivial consequences of the knowledge they acquire about phylogeny, diversity, body plans, functional morphology, and life history strategies, particularly when they are applied to animal phyla that are not included in the subject programme. In this presentation we include type problems and describe the schedule, teaching load and methodology that could best fit within a “classical” Zoology programme. The fundamental criterion to evaluate problems is that answers are plausible, though not necessarily correc